Saturday 24 February 2018

Quick Update!

Hello fellow Spoonies, 

Today's blog post is a quick update on my own personal health and hopefully an explanation of why I have been away for a while. 

Thank you to those of you who read my blog, and I apologise for being away for so long.

Over the past 5 months, my health has deteriorated and in turn, I have had to make adjustments to my life; unfortunately, my blog suffered as a result of that. My health worsened due to "Boom and Bust" as I worked too many long hours over a short period of time, and my body could not keep up with my mind. After being signed off work as a High Ropes Instructor for 2 months, I saw a specialist in Pain and Anaesthetics.

It was with this specialist that I finally got a diagnosis that I truly related to: Central Sensitisation Pain Syndrome. This is an umbrella term for conditions such as Fibromyalgia, in which the nerves in the body are over-sensitised and pain is felt throughout the whole body.

To help with this new diagnosis, I have been attending a Chronic Pain Physiotherapy Group, where I learned how to Pace myself properly and how to manage Flare-Ups. Alongside this, I have been resting and exercising lightly in order to get my body back to a place where I am able to participate in normal activities again.

As I continue to learn about Chronic Pain Conditions, I intend to blog more as I believe that there is a lack of understanding and awareness of these conditions, and this is something that I am becoming more and more passionate about changing!

Please leave any comments or suggestions, they are very much appreciated:)

Love and Spoons, 

Allie x x x

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