Monday 14 August 2017

Introducing ChronicAllie

Hello fellow Spoonies,

Welcome to ChronicAllie! Thank you for taking the time to look at this blog. This is my first one so bear with me!

My name is Allie, I'm 19 years old and I currently live with the diagnosis of Chronic Pain Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

It has recently passed my 19th Birthday, and therefore my 5 year diagnosis anniversary, so to mark this milestone, I have decided to write a blog about my journey with Chronic Illness. In my 19th year, I have decided that my aim is to make people more aware of Chronic Illness and the effect it has on the lives of sufferers and their friends and family. 

My Chronic Illnesses have affected many aspects of my life, but most recently it has affected my education. Unfortunately, I had to drop out of university due to the lack of understanding from the lecturers and staff, and my biggest flare up yet (more on this soon). So at this point, I am currently working as a High Ropes Instructor, and spending a lot of time reading blogs about other people's personal experiences with Chronic Illness.

These blogs have helped me to cope with flare ups and to feel less isolated, and I hope to bring the same comfort to others with a blog of my own. I also aim to bring awareness to Chronic Illness and the daily struggles us Spoonies deal with. If I only make one person more aware of Chronic Illness, that would be an amazing achievement!

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and I would value and comments or suggestions :)

Love and Spoons,
Allie x x x

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